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You will have a lot to deal with if your corporate values cannot make employees feel recognized. Aside from employee turnover, organizations where the employees lack job satisfaction record epileptic productivity trend. Imagine if you are always replaced during important projects at work or bluntly underappreciated at work. You'll cease seeing yourself as a future role player and must find your way to the environment where you're appreciated.
As an employer or manager, this is not the type of culture you want to promote, even if you don't know how to make employees feel recognized. The trick is just to find the ways of making employees know you value their services that your company would struggle to function without them.
This looks more like a role that can only be performed by top-level executive members or decision-making office holders. That's not completely true. Here's how to make employees feel recognized at work on a daily basis as a manager or supervisor.
The best part of making the employee feel recognized at work is to let them know their skill is all it takes in the values they add. This can only be achieved when you use every conversation about their work to highlight their uniqueness. Consider motivating them as you give each assignment. Don't just give the project details and send them away, you can use that opportunity to remind them about completed jobs where they have performed excellently.
Employees may be working hard to deliver projects to your satisfaction. But it didn't end there. It's not enough for you to like their services if they are not actually helping the company or organization to grow. Consider letting your employees know how much the service users are satisfied and appreciate having them on your team. They should also know how much the executive members value them in their roles. Ensure to inform your employees when someone (coworker from another department or client) says thank you for a job delivered by your team. Let the employees know about client's good remarks. It encourages and helps them feel recognized at work.
Inasmuch your employees are comfortable with their work functions, growth is not supposed to lack in their career. And only challenges can push them beyond their comfort zone. When you assign duties that are challenging to your employee, you're simply letting them know that you trust them on that one. It is also a means to tell the employee, hey, you can go more than just updating customer's information daily in this company. Option for skill development also becomes available when employees are challenged, this is definitely what every worker wants; it helps to make employees feel recognized.
Employees feel recognized when they have a voice in your team. Aside from encouraging their feedback, it is good to offer your employees the opportunity to contribute with ideas on how projects can be carried out more efficiently. This helps them feel recognized and very important to your team.
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