classic leather office chair traditional leather office chairs

Looking for a true world class super comfortable genuine leather chair? Look no further for we think that this Hickory Leather traditional swivel tilt may just fit that void. Made by hand in the heartland of classic American seating, this executive leather desk chair exudes style and timeless design. This model is upholstered in your choice of either Grade C Canter Vinyl or Leather. Classico is the go to leather where the demands for durability and value are the top priority. It is dyed for color then pigmented to provide color consistency and a protective finish which is perfect for high traffic areas. This is an ideal choice for an executive leather desk chair that is used daily.


Comfortable, soft PU leather upholstery with ample padding, oil and water resistence. Comfortable arm rests. No tools are required for assembly. Foldable to slide under desk when not in use. This is not a cheap office chair, do not expect it break easily or get flat seat cushion after short time use--It will last years in good shape.


Model No.: RF-B014



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