korean ergonomic chair

If your work requires long hours sitting, you will be amazed on how this chair helps minimise fatigue! It is cleverly designed to help you maintain good posture and the adverse effects of long hours of sitting are offset. The padded back is great on touch and comfortable and is designed to help support your back when seated. This model features an extra back and lumbar support which provides more support for the lower back and this greatly increase comfort! The height of the chair seat, the back rest and the padded head rest are adjustable so you can adjust the chair to the ideal position which best suits you! Another great feature is that the back rest spring rate can be adjusted! THe back rest also has a very large angle of tilt sideways, so if you need to bend down while sitting to pick up something on the floor or on a drawer, the back rest will hold you! This set up flexibility is important as we are all different and need different adjustments.

The chair frame is made of high-quality polypropylene and it is sturdy and durable. In order to add comfort, the arm rests are designed to comfortably accommodate your arms and are smooth and high-quality. The fabric leather on the chair has breathing holes so heat accumulation can be minimised to help ventilation and skin breathing too. The seat pads are made of premium polyurethane, which was engineered in a way that it compresses well but also does not crush it to the point that it gets hard. The chair comes with 360 degree swivel castor wheels, and moving back and forth is very smooth! The adjustable height gas cylinder is made of solid steel, so you can be confident that this chair is durable and will give you a long service life!


Model No.: RF-B045



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